The Lung Sound

Fear is stored in the lungs. The lung sound transforms fear into courage.

Position: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands palms-up on your thighs. Raise both hands above your head, palms-up, with fingertips of each hand touching the tip of the other. Look up.

Lung sound: Place your tongue behind your closed teeth and, with a long slow exhalation, made the lung sound “SSSSSSSSSSSS” (like the sound of steam from a radiator). 2

Visualization: Return your hands to the palms-up position on your lap and smile to your lungs. Imagine a white light shining upon your lungs, surrounding them. Concentrate on feeling the virtue (power) of courage.

Repeat two more times (a total of three), including the hands position and visualization.

The Kidneys Sound

The kidneys sound transform the emotional energy inside the kidneys into gentleness and generosity.

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Positions: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands palms-up on your thighs. Lean forward and clasp your hands around your knees. Look up:

Kidney sound: Form an “O” with your lips as if preparing to blow out a candle. With a long, slow exhalation produce the sound “WOOOOOOOO.”

Visualization: Return your hands to the palms-up position on your lap and smile to your kidneys. Imagine a blue light shining upon your kidneys, surrounding them. Concentrate on feeling the virtue (power) of gentleness and/or generosity.

Repeat two more times (a total of three), including the hands position and visualization.

The Liver Sound

The liver sound transforms the emotional energy inside the liver into kindness.

Position: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands palms-up on your thighs. Raise your hands palms-up over your head and interlock your fingers. Lean slightly to the left. Look up.

Liver sound: Place the tongue near the palate and, with a long, slow exhalation produce the sound “SHHHHHHHHHH.”

Visualization: Return your hands to the palms-up position on your lap and smile to your liver. Imagine a green light shining upon and inside your liver, surrounding it. Concentrate on feeling the virtue (power) of kindness.

Repeat two more times (a total of three), including the hands position and visualization.

The Heart Sound

The heart sound transforms the emotional energy inside the heart into love, joy and happiness.

Position: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands palms-up on your thighs. Raise your hands palms-up over your head and interlock your fingers. Lean slightly to the right. Look up.

Heart sound: With the mouth wide open, exhale a deep breath slowly and produce the sound “HAWWWWWWWW.”

Visualization: Return your hands to the palms-up position on your lap and smile to your heart. Imagine a red light shining upon and inside your heart, surrounding it. Concentrate on feeling the virtue (power) of love, joy and/or happiness. Know that the red light is burning away and transmuting any hatred emotion or self-pity into the virtue emotions.

Repeat two more times (a total of three), including the hands position and visualization.

The Spleen Sound

The spleen sound transforms the emotional energy inside the spleen into openness, fairness and justice.

Position: Sit on the edge of your chair with feet shoulder length apart. Place hands, fingers of each hand touching the others, palms-up, under your left ribcage. Inhale and with breath held, slightly push the sides of your hands in and slightly up, under the rib.

Spleen sound: While moving the hands under the ribs, place the tongue near the palate, and with a long, slow exhalation, produce the sound “WHOOOOOOOO” from the throat, like the sound of an owl.

Visualization: Return your hands to the palms-up position on your lap and smile to your spleen. Imagine a yellow light shining upon and inside your spleen and pancreas, surrounding them. Concentrate on the virtue (power) of openness, balance and fairness.

Repeat two more times (a total of three), including the hands position and visualization.

Triple Warmer

Lie flat on your back, if possible. With your mouth open, exhale slowly as your produce the sound “HEEEEEEEE.” Imagine a huge rolling pin flattening out your body from the forehead down to the toes. This will balance all the energies activated by the other sounds and help relax the body fully.

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Repeat two more (a total of three) times.

Daily Practice

Along with the Inner Smile, the Six Healing Sounds should be practiced daily. Regular practice recycles more and more negative energy. Negative emotions need not be dreaded for with the use of the Six Healing Sounds they can easily be transformed into refreshing vital force.

1) See my “The Tickling of the Ant.”

2) For details of each sound see Mantak Chia s Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality

Chia, Mantak, 1986. Taoist Ways to Transform Stress into Vitality: The Inner Smile, Six Healing Sounds, Huntington, NY: Healing Tao Books.
Chia, Mantak, and Maneewan Chia, 1993, Awaken Healing Light of the Tao, Huntington, NY: Healing Tao Books.
Gershon, Michael D. 1998. The Second Brain: The Scientific Basis of Gut Instinct and a Groundbreaking New Understanding: of Nervous Disorders of the Stomach and Intestine. HarperCollins.
Related to Inner Smile & Six Healing Sound:
Basic Practice with Master Mantak Chia at Tao Garden Retreat
Visit beautiful piece of Tao Garden to join Master Mantak Chia’s Retreats
Master Yourself with Master Mantak Chia World Tour in Europe and North America
Visit beautiful piece of Tao Garden to join Master Mantak Chia and Instructor’s Retreats

Amir can be contacted at: [email protected]

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Amir Fatir was a journalist and Nation of Islam Minister when he was arrested in 1975 for a murder that someone else committed. While on death row he studied all the ancient spiritual systems to learn where he d be after his execution. Amir found a common thread runs through Islam, Yoga, Judaism, Christianity, Taoism, Magic, Modern Science and Egyptian Metaphysics. In 1991 Amir received a pardon recommendation that because of politics was illegally revoked. He hasn t been physically free since the Ford Administration. While in prison he has authored books, developed award winning programs and healed people and animals of serious diseases. Amir is an Astrologer whose writings connect and reveal the symbolic wisdom in esoteric systems, new age philosophies and modern science. He can t sing but still hopes to one day perform with the Temptations.